Here we are back from a jolly week with friends Dave & Lucia in Sodom-sur-Mer ( Sodon-by-the-Sea .. shows up as Sitges on your map), an active beach community a 40-minute train ride south of Barcelona. Yes, really ... I haven't seen so many shaved heads since the Bald is Beautiful convention in Ottawa in 1973... but never mind, there's nothing wrong with it, they say.

One strange thing we found was people paying to have fish nibble their toes &/or spit something at them, depending of which advertising you believe. What will they think of next!
We were sitting near the beach with a memorial jug of sangria when this guy came along. We said - "Wow, that must be Jack Nicholson!" but he turned out to be a lot taller.
Stay tuned, there's more to come.