19 Dec 2010

Antlers seem to be a theme this Christmas in Sydney but we didn't see any buyers.

The craze in Oz this Christmas is to "Rudolph" your car or SUV by adding a red nose and antlers.
Comme on dit en France ..."Chacun a son gout".

We had a Sunday picnic in Sydney's Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Gardens just after our arrival. Located near the centre of the city, it is like being in the far outback, particularly on a very hot day. we're glad the weather has cooled off since.

Thanks to Louise and Marc we had an enjoyable two-night stay in Auckland before leaving New Zealand. Their colleagues Roberta and Michelle suggested a day near the water so we boarded the ferry for a short trip to Waiheke Island.

This afforded great views of Auckland Harbour, Kiwi men doing what we are told they do a lot, (drink beer), and the only Kiwi birds we sawduring our stay, on the lawn of a house overlooking the ferry dock at Waiheke.

The lighthouse at Cape Egmont was originally installed at Mana Island north of Wellington but was closed in 1877 after luring several ships to their doom who had mistaken it for another at the entrance to Wellington harbour. It is composed of several cast-iron cylinders bolted together and was reassembled here in 1881. It still functions although it is now electric, automatic and computer monitored and has only bossy and her mates for company.
A flowering cactus along a shady walk at the Jury Gardens near New Plymouth.

18 Dec 2010

We were surprised to learn that these giant redwoods are only 60 or 70 years old. Things grow fast in this climate.

4 Dec 2010

Saturday, 4 December 2010: Up early to get to Tupare Gardens by 9 AM for Fibre Art in the Garden; fibre art demonstrations by Taranaki Creative Fibre including spinning, felting, knitting, dyeing and weaving wool.... but first ... shearing..you have to have wool to start with. A young pom named Matt worked up a real sweat and showed us how gently he manoeuvered the sheep while removing the wool. Quite an art in itself.

1 Dec 2010

More from the gardens at Pukeiti including an 800-year-old tree that smaller people can hide in.