9 Jan 2011
Our friend artist Marie Dunkley has recently built her own web site to showcase her work.
Have a look --
I originally started this blog with the view of keeping you informed about goings on in Carlux. You will have noticed the subject matter has strayed somewhat.
There is, however, another blog created by our friend Michel, who is the driving force behind the renovation of Carlux's chateau...
It promises to be a continuing story.
There is, however, another blog created by our friend Michel, who is the driving force behind the renovation of Carlux's chateau...
It promises to be a continuing story.
7 Jan 2011
When we first arrived in Australia we went to Chatswood for haircuts. Walking there I was surprised at the number of Asiatic people around, including the kid with the Santa's helper hat playing Christmas carols on his saxophone. I thought "Wow, I've been to Sydney and seen the future and it's Chinese!" (Nothing racist implied, just an observation.)
Quite by chance I picked up a book in our hosts library entitled "1421 - the year China discovered the world". It's quite amazing and talks about large fleets sailing around the world years before Columbus and the Portuguese.
His web site - http://www.1421.tv/
mentions a second book in which he details evidence of another Chinese fleet that sailed to Italy in 1434 and effectively started what we know as the Renaissance.
What goes around, comes around .... or words to that effect.
6 Jan 2011
The area around Protester Falls is subtropical rainforest and the falls are so named because of anti-logging protests during the 1970s.
The Nightcap National Park was declared in 1983 and the almost 5,000 hectares was given World Heritage status in 1989.
All the giant Red Cedars were taken in the 19th century.