As if the fifteen May celebrations here in Carlux weren't enough, we accepted the invitation of one of Susan's english-class students
Yvette had said there would be fifteen couronnes (crowns) on this May tree, something we'd not seen before.
The practices are somewhat different in this village as there is only one tree but a couronne for the Mayor and each of the councillors.
These were in the colours of the French flag, crepe paper wrapped around a wire frame and were attached to the pole in series.
Some snacks and drinks were provided and most people would go on to the village hall for dinner, which we graciously declined as we had not yet recovered from Saturday night.
I have a lot to learn about videos but here's another.
There were a couple of issues here: firstly- the telephone lines, and secondly - the ladder that was to prop up the tree got caught. Luckily it was retrieved without anyone being injured.
For some history see -
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