18 Feb 2008

The crocodile farm is called Le Bonheur, as in ‘le Bonheur est dans le croc’ ; reminds me of a Monty Python skit about athletes being eaten....
The entrance is very attractive with a garden by a lake, and a veranda where you can sit with a drink and enjoy the view.
The croc pens are quite large but the day we were there they were mostly empty. Normally there are over 2,000 croc but most had recently been shipped somewhere else so only about 85 remained. The majority of those were carefully concealed in stagnant, dark green water. A few had crawled out to be fed on fresh chickens, nicely plucked and plump, which could have been mistaken for headless babies by those near-sighted. This impression was enhanced by the notice on the printed brochure which read “Phone to enquire about: Feeding times, Sunday Buffets, Children’s’ Parties”.

This one ate three or four in the few minutes we watched. They don’t need to chew; just swallow things whole and wait for their industrial-strength stomach acids to break everything down.

We were told that the crocs cool off by having their mouths open but I figure they were just laughing at the suckers who paid good money to watch them do nothing!


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